09 January 2022

The CMA Body of Knowledge

CMA Canada did a great job of consolidating and streamlining the practice of management accounting, but little of it appears to be available on the CPA Canada website, and no credit is given to the previous work done. Fortunately, I still have all the hard copy in the Management Accounting Practices Handbook that was issued starting in the mid-90s, and PDF files of many of the issues were issued in 2005-2006, together with the publication of Management Accounting Standards.

I will go through and list all the guidelines, issues papers and standards that were issued up to 1998. As far as I know, none of these has ever been revoked.

Management Accounting Guidelines

The MAG Statement of Purpose and Operation describes their intent thus:

Management Accounting Guidelines are designed to be an authoritative source which identifies the relevant information required to arrive at rational decisions. Where alternative techniques or procedures are available to implement decisions and policies, the guidelines will recommend the preferred practice in given circumstances.

There were 48 MAGs issued in total:

  1. Post Appraisal of Capital Expenditures
  2. Estimating Cash Flows for Capital Expenditure Decisions
  3. Framework for Internal Control
  4. Estimating the Discount Rate for Capital Expenditure Decisions
  5. Cash Management
  6. Foreign Currency Risk Management
  7. Managing the Annual Financial Statements Audit
  8. Accounts Receivable Management
  9. Strategic Planning for Information Resource Management
  10. Organizational Restructuring
  11. Selecting the Optimum Product Line for an Enterprise
  12. Pension Plan Management
  13. Managing Banking Relations
  14. Managing Quality Improvements
  15. Human Resources - Accountability
  16. Implementing Benchmarking
  17. Implementing Activity-Based Costing
  18. The Design of Executive Incentive Compensation Plans
  19. Implementing Just-In-Time Production Systems
  20. Information Systems and Services Management - Accountability
  21. Implementing Business Process Redesign
  22. Becoming a Time-Based Competitor
  23. Outsourcing Information Systems
  24. Implementing Electronic Data Interchange
  25. Becoming ISO 9000 Registered
  26. Implementing Workplace Flexibility
  27. Distribution Channels Management - Accountability
  28. Implementing Target Costing
  29. Product Life Cycle Management
  30. Managing Cross-Functional Teams
  31. Developing Comprehensive Performance Indicators
  32. Building Buyer-Seller Partnerships
  33. World Class Research & Development Management
  34. Managing the Human Aspects of Organizational Change
  35. Tools and Techniques for Effective Benchmarking Studies
  36. Monitoring Customer Value
  37. Implementing Corporate Environmental Strategies
  38. Implementing Self-Directed Work Teams
  39. Developing Comprehensive Competitive Intelligence
  40. Tools and Techniques of Environmental Accounting for Business Decisions
  41. Value Chain Analysis for Assessing Competitive Advantage
  42. Measuring the Cost of Capacity
  43. Redesigning the Finance Function
  44. Measuring and Managing Shareholder Value Creation
  45. Understanding and Implementing ISO 14000
  46. Implementing Ethics Strategies Within Organizations
  47. Implementing Process Management: A Framework for Action
  48. Building a Data Warehouse

International Management Accounting Practices

The International Federation of Accountants has issued several practice statements that aim to harmonize certain concepts in use:
  1. Management Accounting Concepts
  2. The Capital Expenditure Decision
  3. Currency Exposure and Risk Management
  4. Management Control of Projects
  5. Managing Quality Improvements (essentially an adoption MAG 14)
  6. Post Completion Review
  7. Strategic Planning for Information Resource Management (essentially an adoption of MAG 9)

Management Accounting Issues Papers

The MAIP Statement of Purpose explained the rationale as follows:
Issues Papers provide information about "leading edge" management processes and management accounting practices.

Issues Papers also provide an opportunity to stimulate informed debate on some of the more provocative questions that organizations should be aware of or must contend with in their day-to-day operations.
There were 16 papers issued in total:
  1. Accounting for the environment
  2. The role of management accounting in electronic data interchange
  3. Activity-based costing
  4. Virtual corporations - How real?
  5. Management control systems in excellent Canadian companies
  6. Agile competition: The emergence of a new industrial order
  7. Benchmarking: A survey of Canadian practice
  8. Strategic partnering
  9. Electronic commerce
  10. Activity-based management
  11. Improving shareholder wealth
  12. Measuring the impact of diversity
  13. Codes of ethics, practice and conduct
  14. Accounting for sustainable development: A business perspective
  15. Corporate governance: The role of internal control
  16. The management of intellectual capital: The issues and the practice

Management Accounting Standards

During 2002-2006, Management Accounting Standards were issued, and numbered in the same manner as those in the CICA Handbook. No consolidated PDF was issued at the time, but I have compiled one from the files I have:

The major sections were:
  • 2000: Cost finding
  • 3000: Cost using
  • 4000: [Not used]
  • 5000: Strategic performance measure and process control
  • 6000: Management control
  • 7000: Information technology
  • 8000: Change management
  • 9000: Stakeholder reporting
The standards are prescriptive only in the sense where they advise what techniques and procedures not to use. CMA Canada expressed their purpose in these words:

One of the most important developments in the evolution of Strategic Management Accounting has been the notion that organizations can develop different cost information for different decisions.

These Standards are intended to support this fundamental principle as their purpose is twofold:
  1. To review common practice alternatives and discuss the relative merits of each. The intent is not to regulate, prescribe, or otherwise impose a uniform style of management accounting. Rather, the purpose is to identify which of the possible practice alternatives will best meet the needs, and advance the strategic objectives or competitive interests, of a particular organization in a particular setting.
  2. There are contractual settings where resources are exchanged or decisions are made based on cost information. Examples include cost-plus reimbursement contracts, insurance claims that require property valuations based on cost, predatory pricing disputes that require a comparison between market price and cost, and regulatory environments where allowed prices are based on cost. When parties enter into a contract using cost measures, there is a need for cost standards and generally accepted definitions to insure that there are reasonable methods available for computing and defining costs that both parties understand and accept. In this sense, the role of these standards is to eliminate alternatives that are clearly unacceptable in order to provide a set of reasonable and well-defined alternatives to the contracting parties.

Recasting of guidelines and papers

In 2005-2006, most of the guidelines were converted into PDF format and organized into various categories. They were not numbered as in the previous hard-copy series.

In this table, those carried over from the previous hard-copy versions are cross-referenced and identified in italics. Those ones that are new to the series are identified in bold.

Category Guidelines Issues papers
Change management Human resources - accountability (MAG15)
Implementing self-directed work teams (MAG38)
Implementing workplace flexibility (MAG26)
Managing cross-functional teams (MAG30)
Managing the human aspects of organization change (MAG34)
Organizational restructuring (MAG10)
Collaborative innovation and the knowledge economy
Measuring the impact of diversity (IP12)
Measuring knowledge assets
Customer and supply chains Becoming ISO 9000 registered (MAG25)
Building buyer-seller partnerships (MAG32)
Customer profitability analysis
Distribution channels management - accountability (MAG27)
Monitoring customer value (MAG36)
Selecting the optimum product line for an enterprise (MAG11)
Value chain analysis for assessing competitive advantage (MAG41)
World-class research and development management (MAG33)
Strategic partnering (IP8)
Virtual corporations - How real? (IP4)
Information technology Building a data warehouse (MAG48)
Information systems and services management - accountability (MAG20)
Outsourcing information systems (MAG23)
Strategic planning for information resource management (MAG9)
Management control Implementing ethics strategies within organizations (MAG46)
Post appraisal of capital expenditures (MAG1)
Codes of ethics, practice and conduct (IP13)
Corporate governance: The role of internal control (IP15)
Strategic cost management Adopting and implementing shared services
Becoming a time-based competitor (MAG22)
Business continuity management
Developing comprehensive competitive intelligence (MAG39)
Identifying, measuring and managing organizational risks for improved performance
Implementing activity-based costing (MAG17)
Implementing benchmarking (MAG16)
Implementing business process redesign (MAG21)
Implementing just-in-time production systems (MAG19)
Implementing process management: A framework for action (MAG47)
Implementing target costing (MAG28)
Measuring the cost of capacity (MAG42)
Redesigning the finance function (MAG43)
Tools and techniques for effective benchmarking studies (MAG35)
Agile competition: The emergence of a new industrial order (IP6)
Next generation enterprise
Strategic performance measurement Applying the balanced scorecard
Developing comprehensive performance indicators (MAG31)
Evaluating performance in information technology
Managing quality improvements (MAG14)
Measuring and improving the performance of corporate boards
Product life cycle management (MAG29)
The management of intellectual capital: The issues and the practice (IP16)
Stakeholder reporting Implementing corporate environmental strategies (MAG37)
Measuring and managing shareholder value creation (MAG44)
Tools and techniques of environmental accounting for business decisions (MAG40)
Understanding and implementing ISO 14000 (MAG45)
Writing and evaluating sustainable development and environmental reports
Accounting for sustainable development: A business perspective (IP14)
An executive view of shareholder value creation: Determinants of success in publicly held Canadian organizations
Improving shareholder wealth (IP11)
Treasury management Accounts receivable management (MAG8)
Cash management (MAG5)
Financial risk management
Managing banking relations (MAG13)
A strategic role for treasury

From the cross-referencing, it is apparent that the following guidelines and papers were not incorporated into the new series, and there is no indication that they have been formally withdrawn:
  • MAGs 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 18 and 24
  • IPs 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 10

After that round of consolidation, other guidelines were issued from that time until the CPA merger. Only some of them have since been reissued by the new body. In late 2011, CMA Canada published a list of these MAGs in its magazine:

Group Title
Issued jointly with CIMA and AICPA Designing and implementing a performance measurement system (2010)
Environmental sustainability: Tools and techniques (2009)
Evaluating the effectiveness of Internet marketing initiatives (2007)
Evaluating performance in information technology (2005)
Evidence-based decision making: Using business intelligence to drive value (2009)
Impacting future value: How to manage your intellectual capital (2008)
Integrating social and political risk into management decision-making (2007)
Managing customer value (2007)
Managing opportunities and risks (2008)
Outsourcing the finance and accounting functions (2007)
Strategic management of information for boards (2007)
Supply chain management accounting (2009)
The reporting of organizational risks for internal and external decision-making (2006)
Using strategy maps to drive performance (2007)
Reissued by CPA Canada (original and reissue dates) Divestitures (2009; 2018)
Divestitures: Applying a five-step process (2012; 2018)
From data to decisions: A five-step approach to data-driven decision making (2012; 2020)
Future value drivers: Leveraging your intangible assets using a five-step process (2012; 2018)
Performance measurement for non-profit organizations: The balanced scorecard as an approach (2009; 2016)
Process-based management: A four-phase approach to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness (originally issued as "Implementing process based management in organizations", 2009; 2018)
Scenario planning: Plotting a course through an uncertain world (2010; 2018)
Scenario planning: Applying a six-step process to your organization (2010; 2018)

The framework after the CPA Canada merger

It was a challenge to get this far. I thank Worldcat for finding out about all the guidelines and papers that were issued.

As for the current structure, the CPA Canada website is totally unhelpful in determining what exists now. Even running a web search of the site does not reveal the total picture. The guidelines that do exist are broken down between overviews, guidelines and related case studies, and there is no announcement when something new has been issued. That is extremely different from what had been the case before, when master lists of the publications were on the CMA Canada site, and members were given USB sticks at meetings that had the complete rundown of what had been issued to date. Before that, the members were mailed hard copies of the publications, and binders to keep them in. I still have all mine!

I will attempt to give a listing, together with hyperlinks, to what exists now. That will be in a separate post.

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