At first glance, the title appears to be somewhat over the top, but consider the reaction when Jim Flaherty's death
was announced yesterday:
Now that is high praise.Although a social conservative, he was also
a master of political economy. He helped Canada to avoid the massive aftershocks of 2008's Great Recession, raised consumer confidence, and brought about some compassion as well, by:
- making massive investments in infrastructure, ,as well as shoring up GM's and Chrysler's Canadian operations (through huge bumps in deficit spending),
- eliminating the hollowing-out of tax revenues through the abuse of income trusts,
- implementing a two-point reduction in the GST,
- tightening borrowing requirements for household mortgages,
- selecting, in a brilliant move, Mark Carney to head the Bank of Canada (which later led to his being poached by the Bank of England),
- giving investors greater flexibility through the introduction of Tax-Free Savings Accounts, and
- introducing the Registered Disability Savings Plan for helping the more vulnerable members of society.
As a result, Canada has weathered the last few years relatively better than most other countries, and Ottawa is one year away from returning to balanced budgets.
There are missed opportunities to note:
- his initiative to introduce a national securities regulator was shot down for constitutional reasons, but he still kept working on setting up an alternative that would work (for which we should stayed tuned),
- the recession resulted in a massive hollowing-out of Canada's manufacturing capacity and an over-dependence on resource industries, which is not a long-term recipe for economic stability (but that is a failure of corporate Canada, and not of government policy),
But I digress. He will be truly missed.